10 July 2008

Bad Art: olafur eliasson

I would like to introduce a segment to this blog called: "Bad Art." I would like to extend my congratulations to Olafur Eliasson for being the first artist featured in this segment. His "blockbuster" exhibition at the MoMA has just closed but his "Waterfalls" will be on view for the rest of the summer.
The Public Art Fund must feel great having spent millions on the project, while MoMA is counting every penny of its over-priced entrance fee. In my humble opinion neither the exhibition nor the public art project is worth a spit in the bucket. Eliasson is a poor excuse for a conceptual art. The hype surrounding his work merely confirms that hotshot contemporary artists are spectacles - its sleek and stylish so it must be good! Yet, this is not the Andy Warhol type - that is sophisticated and educated in its social commentary - rather, what we witness with Eliasson is "institutional avant-gardism" (meaning that the conceptual element of his work is supplied by the institution that seeks to make financial gain off him). I mean, really for Christ sake - a room with orange colored light bulbs? Really? that is art? Come on! MoMA you one of the best collections of Modern and Contemporary Art in the world and who do you decide to showcase? Eliasson! His work is only good to take Facebook photos in . . . really! Come on MoMA, for shame! Thank God the Gay Pride Parade was going on at the time I saw this exhibition. . . drag queens dressed as sea nymphs always take away my Bad Art blues.

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